Siberia: Warehouse expansion (2011)

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Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Siberia: Warehouse expansion»

Both warehouse tiles will be mixed up together with the investment tiles during the preparation period. A warehouse can be obtained like the other investment tiles during the Investment action.

If a player obtains one of the warehouse tiles, he places it beside his gaming board visible for the other players. After a Resource action, resources can be stored in the warehouse. They can be sold at a later time. Storing resources is voluntary, i.e. a player can choose to sell his resources immediately after the Resource action. But he can also choose to store one or two resources in his warehouse, up to a total capacity of 2 resources (same or different). Resources in the warehouse can be sold later in addition to any other action of the player, either before or after that action. If a player has stored two resources, he decides whether to sell both or only one resource. If he sells both resources, he may sell them at different stock exchanges. Each player can only own one warehouse.


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