Silver: Promo Card Pack (2020)

Ted Alspach
Карты на руках
Время игры
30 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Silver: Promo Card Pack»

A promo pack for Silver. This was available as part of the 2020 Dice Tower Kickstarter Discoverers Pack.

The card has a value of 12, and says, "Replace each faceup card of a specific value with a card from the deck, placing each faceup card on the bottom of the discard pile."

When you draw this card, you may replace each faceup card of a value you choose with a facedown card drawn from the deck. Those faceup cards are placed on the bottom of the discard pile.

All faceup cards from all villages with the chosen value must be replaced. Begin replacements to the active player's left. If the deck runs out before replacing all cards, the round ends normally.


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