Snowdonia: Card 31 of 30 (2015)

Tony Boydell
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Драфт карт, Карты на руках, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
30 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Snowdonia: Card 31 of 30»

Snowdonia: Card 31 of 30 is a promo pack of six cards that were printed-on-demand for the UK Games Expo 2015:

  • Card 31 -- Four versions; each is a variation of "keep your train for points/trash your train for stuff" with a different weather icon on the back (Sun, Rain, Fog and Snow). Choose which version you want to add to the contract deck. Do not use the snow/dynamite one unless also playing with dynamite!
  • London Jack -- London Jack is played as a train and costs nothing to buy. Put your third worker on London Jack. It is free to activate your worker on London Jack, but he can only be assigned to the Stock Yard (A) or Surveyor Move (G) actions - he can only fetch or go walkies!
  • Hot Air Balloon --The Hot Air Balloon is played as a train. When bought put 4 rubble from supply on the balloon. When you take the Surveyor action, you may put a rubble from the card into your personal stock to have your Surveyor move an extra station. If the Surveyor moves beyond the last station, put him on the balloon and score +8 points in addition to points for the last station at the end of the game.

Only 160 copies were printed initially, but more will be available for Spiel 2015!


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