Soldier Kings: The Potato War (2018)

Michael Bennighof
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков, Из точки в точку, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
120 — 240 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «Soldier Kings: The Potato War»

Description from the publisher:

The last war of the Enlightenment broke out in July 1778, following the death of the Elector of Bavaria. Austrian Emperor Joseph II sought Bavaria for himself; Prussian King Frederick II wished to block this acquisition. Their conflict became known as the War of the Bavarian Succession or, more colorfully, as the Potato War. Armies of both sides marched about Bohemia, scouring the landscape for food (potatoes in particular) while the diplomats hashed out a solution.

Soldier Kings: The Potato War brings this worldwide interlocking conflict to Soldier Kings, as Britain struggles with a growing insurgency in her American colonies, France fans those flames and supports Austria, Prussia seeks to block the annexation of Bavaria and Russia supports Prussia. Happy Austria has once again married her way to more territory, but still has to take possession.

The Potato War is a 64-page book supplement for Soldier Kings, a multiplayer game of the Seven Years' War. In addition to the new Potato War scenario and its pieces, there are new pieces (with optional rules for their use) for the Seven Years' War scenarios of Soldier Kings, plus some additional options.


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