SOLOmino (2015)

Wilfried Lepuschitz, Arno Steinwender
Карты на руках
Время игры
~20 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «SOLOmino»

SOLOmino is a Mau Mau variant that replaces the standard numbered and colored cards with domino-style cards that feature a colored number on each half of them — although some cards also feature action symbols that put twists on gameplay.

To start, each person takes a hand of eight cards. On a turn, a player either draws a card from the deck and adds it to her hand, or she plays one card from her hand onto one or two cards already in play. When you cover a card already in play, the half of your card doing the covering must match the covered card in either number or color. If the card you play features an action symbol, that action takes effect immediately, skipping the next player's turn, changing the order of play, forcing the next player to draw cards, swapping hands with other players, and so on. As soon as a player's hand is empty, she wins.

SOLOmino includes a variant that allows a player to play out of turn if she can play a card that matches a card in both color and number. When this happens, the player lays down the card as if it were her turn, then the next player in clockwise order takes the next turn.


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