Soqquadro (2014)

Simone Luciani, Daniele Tascini, Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino, Matteo Zanfi, Erica de Giglio, Erika Vattelapesca
Ловкость, Вечеринка, В реальном времени
Время игры
~20 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 12
Возраст игроков

Описание «Soqquadro»

Soqquadro is an innovative party game in which what's happening away from the table is as important as what's happening on it.

The game takes place in real-time. You draw a card from a deck and search for an object that satisfies the request on the card. The cards come in three colors to identify their difficulty level. When you find the object, place it on the table, move your pawn one step further on the score board and draw another card. When a pawn crosses a Challenge Line for the first time, the game stops for a while and a Challenge is played. The game ends when a pawn reaches or crosses the 16th box on the score board.


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