SpaceCorp (2018)

Chad Jensen, Mark Simonitch, John H. Butterfield, Kurt Miller, Douglas Shrock
Экономика, Исследование, Научная фантастика, Космос
Карты на руках, Из точки в точку
Время игры
60 — 240 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «SpaceCorp»

SpaceCorp: 2025-2300 AD is a fast-playing board game in which one to four players explore and develop outer space over three eras. Each player controls an Earth-based enterprise seeking profit by driving the expansion of humanity into the Solar System and beyond. In SpaceCorp you can …

  • Assemble a spaceport at a Lagrange Point.
  • Launch an exploration mission to Mars.
  • Mine the asteroids.
  • Earn profit from exotic resources discovered on the Jovian moons.
  • Discover microbial life in the subsurface oceans of Charon.
  • Decode exo-DNA to develop radiation resistant human pioneers.
  • Undertake a mission to Alpha Centauri in a generation ship.
  • Break through technological barriers to achieve faster-than-light travel.
  • Establish a colony in the Tau Ceti star system.

Each of the three eras is played on a different board:

  • The first era, Mariners, covers exploration and development out to Mars.
  • In Planeteers, players settle the outer solar system.
  • In Starfarers, players send missions to nearby star systems and establish interstellar colonies.

The game is based on Ejner Fulsang's SpaceCorp book, the first of the Galactican Series.


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