SPQR: Mago – Youngest of the Lion's Brood (1996)

Dan Fournie
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Описание «SPQR: Mago – Youngest of the Lion's Brood»

Two new battle modules and a variant for SPQR found in RBM/GMT's C3i Magazine Nr6. The leader counters for this expansion were shipped in C3i - #9.

These modules focus on Hannibal's youngest brother Mago, and cover three battles.
• Celt-Iberia, 207 B.C.
• Po River, 203 B.C.
• Mago Lives: a variant for SPQR Scenario (11.4) - Zama

Celt-Iberia 207 B.C
Mago returns to Spain with Balearic mercenaries and African troops brought over by Hanno. He recruits local Celt Iberians but is attacked by Scipios deputy Marcus Junius Silanus.

Po River, 203 B.C.
Mago invades Italy and lands unopposed at Genoa in Liguria. After receiving reinforcements he advances up the Po and is attacked by 2 Roman armies. Mago was fatally wounded in this battle.

Mago Lives: a variant for SPQR Scenario (11.4) - Zama
A variant for Zama assuming Mago survived his wound at the Po River.


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