SPQR: The Great Battles of Magna Graecia – Part 1 (2012)

Dan Fournie
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Описание «SPQR: The Great Battles of Magna Graecia – Part 1»

C3i Magazine #26 :

A C3i Game Module for SPQR Deluxe and The Barbarian Module.

From the publisher:

"SPQR Deluxe features three great battles of King Pyrrhus of Epirus - Heraclea, Asculum and Beneventum. These battles give us agood look at the Greco-Macedonian military system in action against Rome. However, before Tarentum called in King Pyrrhus to battle the Romans in southern Italy, this Greek city-state had summoned a number of other Greek condotiere to fight the barbarian tribes of the interior - the piratical Apulians, the fierce Lucanians, the savage Bruttians, the mighty Samnites and the stalwart Romans. The Greek soldiers of fortune who answered her call hailed from many directions - Epirus to the esat, Sparta to the southeast and Syracuse to the southwest. The Hellenistic armies they led were similar in composition, but not indentical. Each mercenary captain brouht a core of troops from his homeland, supplemented by large mercenary forces drawn from the Adriatic and Ionian shores, the levies of Tarentum and tge Italiot League and occasionnally friendly Italian tribes. They were not altogether unsucessful, but none managed to achieve permanent résultats. This survey of foreign Greek armies battling to preserve Magna Graecia in the late Fourth Century BC will be presented in two parts. The battles presented provide an interesting mis of clashing military systems: the Hellenistic combined arms army versus a number of barbarian tribes, Samnite cohorts and even the legions of Rome. Part I begins with the campaigns of King Alexander I Molossus of Epirus."

- The Battle of Sipontum, 334 BC. (Epirotes VS Apulians)
- The Battle of Consentia, 333 BC. (Bruttians VS Epirotes)
- The Battle of Paestrum, 332 BC. (Samnites and Lucanians VS Epirotes)

- 4-pages historical background article.
- 4-pages scenarios card
- 4 new Leaders Counters


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