Srebrna flota (1994)

Piotr Rynio, Robert Nowocień
Кубики, Морские, Пираты, Варгейм
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~180 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 8

Описание «Srebrna flota»

Srebrna flota (Silver fleet) is a nautical wargame in which players commands spanish "Silberflotte" or any other fleet, which want to rob them.

Silver fleet was sailing on the ocean beetwen 1503 and 1660. It was silver (but not only) transport from North America (It usualy starts from Cuba) to Spain. From 10.635 ships, about 3000 didn't reach the destination country. Players who commands one of the English fleet or one of the pirates as well, have to take care to make this 3000 even greater.

During the game players will simulate cannon attacks and boarding attacks. After this they could blew up the ship, steal a silver or even steal all ship. Except that, players will have to watch out the wind, shallows, shipwrecks, luck and of course other players. Commanders will need to make alliances, then maybe broke alliances.

Game is parted on subgames, stages and turns. Subgame is ended when all Spanish ships move to the eastern edge of the map (or noone survive) and leave the it. Flagship have to be the last that will leave the map.
Stages includes:
- determining the strength and direction of the wind,
- moving wrecks,
- turns of players
Turn includes:
- moving ships,
- shooting (cannons),
- raming,
- moving sailors,
- declaring of abordage and fight,
- transshipment of silver and cannons
After each subgame players earn money, they can buy/repair/sell their ships, buy/sell cannons and sailors, buy a shipyard and/or a foundry.
After 3 or 4 subgames, a player with the most money at the end will win. You can't sell your ships after last subgame.

2 modes of the game:
I. For beginners:
- each player owns 4 ships: 2 warships and 2 transport ships, he uses 2 warships and 1 transporter in each subgame
- no matter where cannons are placed, they shoot in each direction
II. Standard
- all options

Class of ships are: galleon, karraka, frigate, brigantine, caravel, sloop, pinnace.

In 2 player game, one is Spaniard Don Enrique Pasadena, and a second one is British Sir John Elmeth. If playing 3 or more players, other playable characters are: Blanco Mendez Sidonia (Spain), Humphrey Pleensy (England), and 4 pirates: Francis Hampshire, Earth Discaster, Paul Delacroix, Giulio Leppo.

Plastic ships included.


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