Street Masters: Redemption II (2019)

Adam Sadler, Brady Sadler
Приключения, Карточная, Кубики
Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Карты на руках
Время игры
45 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Street Masters: Redemption II»

This optional Kickstarter-exclusive add-on allows players to play as the other 10 bosses from the base game and the Aftershock expansion. Each boss fighter is complete with their own 25-card deck.

Included in this expansion is the option to play as the following boss characters:

The Proxy (from Aftershock)
Project X (from Aftershock)
Ikuchi (from Essence of Evil)
Tlazolteotl (from the Street Masters KS1 SG Box)
Shin Yokai (from Legend of Oni)
Mack (from Twin Tiger)
The Don feat. Genesis (from Aftershock SG Box)
Selene (from Aftershock SG Box)
Kenshin (from Aftershock SG Box)
Miss Matrix (from Aftershock SG Box)


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