Suleika: 2 Teppiche (2008)
- Авторы
- Категории
- Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
- Механики
- Время игры
- ~30 мин
- Количество игроков
- 2 — 4
- Возраст игроков
- 6+
Описание «Suleika: 2 Teppiche»
Suleika - 2 Teppiche is an expansion for the base game Suleika.
This expansion replaces the dice with cards.
Every player get an identical set of cards. Holding 2 of his cards in his hand a player can decide what card to play and than picks up a card again.
The cards have 2 areas. People have to decide before every game if they will use the grey or the yellow part of the cards.