Super Dungeon Arcade (2018)

Chris Birkenhagen, John Cadice, Deke Stella
Фэнтези, Миниатюры
Очки действий, Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Модульное поле
Время игры
120 — 240 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Super Dungeon Arcade»

The Midnight Tower, the Arcade Mode standalone game reveals the dreaded armies of The Midnight Queen. Armies of baroque-armored Nether Elves issue forth from the corrupted Tower of the Goddess. Within their ranks, cursed Spider Speakers summon scuttling hordes of spiders, spinning webs of shadow and poisoning their foes. Alongside them march powerful Knights of the Tower on spectral steeds, while Tower Stalkers lurk in the shadows weakening the mightiest Heroes, before their fellows strike the final blow. Three new Heroes take up the call to adventure: the rugged Hearthsworn Tincan, sneaky Cat Burglar, and brutal Riftling Warrior.


Super Dungeon: ARCADE

Super Dungeon: Arcade Rulebook
Midnight Queen and Daemonus Dungeon Boss model
Knight of the Tower Mini-Boss model
14x Nether Elf models: 2x Shadow Tower, 2x Tower Stalker, 4x Tower Blackblade, 6x Tower Arbalist
8x Spider models: Spider Nest, Spider Speaker, 3x Crawler, 3x Shadow Spinner
6x Hero models: Hexcast Sorceress, Hearthsworn Tincan, Cat Burglar, Riftling Warrior, Sanctioned Witch, Moonspire Guardian
16x Super Dungeon Dice: 2x Emerald, 6x Ruby, 8x Sapphire
4x Midnight Tower themed dungeon tiles
Token Sheet
Mighty Monster Chart
Hero Backpack
Reference Cards
Card Decks: Loot, Treasure, Challenge, Boss Challenge, Plot, Difficulty Deck
Hero cards: Hexcast Sorceress, Hearthsworn Tincan, Cat Burglar, Riftling Warrior, Sanctioned Witch, Moonspire Guardian
Arcade monster cards: Midnight Queen, Daemonus, Knight of the Tower, Nether Elves, and Spiders
Alternate profile Arcade monster cards: Arcadian Knight of the Tower, Arcadian Nether Elves, Arcadian Spiders, Drowning Isles Knight of the Tower, Drowning Isles Nether Elves, Drowning Isles Spiders (crabs)
Arcade cards for Explore’s monsters: Kobolds, Drakes, Kobold Ogre, and Starfire
Alternate profile Arcade cards for Explore’s monsters: Shadow Warren Kobolds, Nether Drakes, Frozen Warren Kobolds, Frostbyte Drakes, Rex

Super Dungeon: Arcade is a mighty fusion of The Midnight Tower Level Box, Midnight Tower Dungeon Tiles, and Super Dungeon: Arcade rules.


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