Super Dungeon Explore: Beatrix The Witch Queen (2015)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Очки действий, Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Переменный порядок фаз, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Super Dungeon Explore: Beatrix The Witch Queen»

Beatrix the Witch Queen
is a mini-boss expansion for Super Dungeon Explore.

Deep within the Witches’ Weald, the coven witches cackle over their bubbling cauldrons. There is no curse or pox that Beatrix does not know. Upon her pumpkin chariot, she flies through blackened skies in search of Heroes to inflict with her deadly potions and fiendish brews.


7x Assembled Models
Beatrix the Witch Queen
6x Ghost

5x Game Cards
Beatrix the Witch Queen Classic Card
Beatrix the Witch Queen Arcade Card
Beatrix the Witch Queen Boss Fight Card
Ghost Classic Card
Ghost Arcade Card

12x Explore Cards
Glitched Doorway
Broken Harpsichord
2x Bubbling Cauldron
2x Pumpkin Mine
2x Grave Robbers
2x Antidote
2x Pumpkin Pie

6x Treasure Cards
Pumpkin Bomb
Black Tallow Candle
Red Cap Hat
Zombie Brute Brew
Toxic Tincture
Holy Water


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