Super Dungeon Explore: Frostbyte Ravagers (2023)

Chris Birkenhagen, John Cadice, Deke Stella
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Очки действий, Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Модульное поле
Время игры
120 — 240 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Super Dungeon Explore: Frostbyte Ravagers»

The Frostbyte Ravagers warband box brings the unparalleled brutality of the orcs to Super Dungeon for the first time! Rampaging through the Frostbyte Reach, the savage hordes have spilled out into Crystalia. Combining potent offense and a hardy resilience, the orcs are driven into further frenzy by the ferocious Rage Fiend Mini-Boss. Standing in their way is the Lightning Mage, whose crackling bolts arc through multiple foes with a single blast.

Lightning Mage Hero Model
Rage Fiend Mini-Boss Model
14 Orc Monster Models: 2 Skull Stone Spawning Points, 4 Neck Splitters, 4 Face Beaters, 4 Knuckle Smashers
Game Cards: Hero, Classic Monsters, Arcade Monsters, Treasure Card


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