Table Battles: Age of Alexander (2018)

Amabel Holland
Древность, Кубики
Бросание кубиков, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
15 — 20 мин
Количество игроков

Описание «Table Battles: Age of Alexander»

By any measure, Alexander III of Macedon was an exemplary military commander. If we believe his propagandists, he was always vastly outnumbered, yet he and his elite army were never defeated, always winning a decisive victory. "It is a sobering thought," says Table Battles designer Tom Russell, "that by the time he was my age, Alexander had conquered the Persian empire, made his incursion into India, founded city after glorious city, and had been dead for four years."

Table Battles: The Age of Alexander recreates that famous Macedonian's major battles, as well as two battles of the Diadochi. In almost all of these battles, the Macedonian Player has no room for error - the routing of a single Formation is often enough to lose the game. The opposing side has more leeway and more sticks, but generally comes up short in the quality department. Careful, nuanced play from both sides is require to stay competitive and to win the day. Most of these are larger engagements, with lots of cards and reactions for each side.

The seven battles in this set are:

Chaeronea (2 August 338 BCE)
Granicus (May 334 BCE)
Issus (5 November 333 BCE)
Gaugamela (1 October 331BCE)
The Hydaspes (May 326BCE)
Gabiene (316BCE)
Ipsus (301BCE)


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