Talisman 2nd Edition: Le Héraut Citadel #4 Cards (1987)

Robert Harris
Бросание кубиков, Ролевая игра, Делай и двигай, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Talisman 2nd Edition: Le Héraut Citadel #4 Cards»

As part of an advertising feature for the 2nd Edition of Talisman, the French hobby magazine, Le Héraut Citadel (The Citadel Herald), which was a magazine like the Citadel Journal, released a set of cards in French for the game, in Issue #4.

The cards comprised the Résurrection, Transmutation, Faiblesse, Débilité & Amitié Spells and Piège, Lance-Feu des Skaven, Chaos, Troglodyte & Roi Crapaud Adventure cards.

(* Resurrection, Transmute, Weakness, Feeble Mind, Friendship, Trap, Skaven Flamethrower, Chaos, Troglodyte and Toad King!)

Resurrection and Transmute had already appeared in Issue #72 of White Dwarf magazine, however Weakness and Feeble Mind appeared later as part of Talisman City.


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