Tenun Tycoon (2020)

Hafidh M, Mahavira Mesha Putri Adani
Экономика, Индустриальные, Распечатай и играй
Бросание кубиков, Запись результатов, Соло
Время игры
45 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 99
Возраст игроков

Описание «Tenun Tycoon»

Play as a team of business minded people and lead your company and popularize the tenun fabric industry. Build your tenun fabric enterprise from the design, collaboration, production, and commercial side of each player role. Manage fluctuating budgets within the company and lead your establishment to become the best tenun fabric producer!

The game spans within 12 turns, and at the beginning of every turn, roll 5 investor dice. The value of dice is the budget for that turn and is shared for every division within the company. Budget allocation for each division should be considered very carefully as each division has their own needs. The value in a dice is exact and cannot be split, and must be spent without leftovers.

Each player within the company has a pivotal role to ensure the company’s best interest. Executive role is in charge of action points management for each division, hiring new employees, and training them. Operation role is in charge of designing fabric, quality improvement, and material acquisition. Marketing role is in charge of engaging new customers, sales, and establishing brick and mortar outlets.

The game ends at the end of turn 12. The final score is determined by the amount of earnings gained reduced by the amount of expense. Milestone achievement for any category also affects positively for the final score.


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