The Boss: 5-6 Player Expansion (2012)

Alain Ollier
Карточная, Дедукция
Контроль территории, Ставки
Время игры
~40 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «The Boss: 5-6 Player Expansion»

The Boss: 5-6 Player Expansion does exactly what you think you it would – allow for games of The Boss to includes up to six players. With five players, the game is played as in the original release, but with six players you compete in three teams of two instead of individually, creating a new atmosphere in the game.

The Boss: 5-6 Player Expansion also includes St. Louis as a new city, along with new cards for that city.


  • Large Cubes
    • 11 white
    • 5 red
    • 5 yellow
    • 1 black
    • 1 blue

(one cube of each color is intended as a score marker replacing the cylinders found in the base game. A total of 10 cubes in the white, red, and yellow colors is required for the six player team game)

  • Small Cubes
    • 4 white
    • 1 yellow
    • 1 red

(A total of four cubes in the white, red, and yellow colors is required for the six player team game)

  • Other Suff
    • 1 white exiled disc
    • 1 St. Louis character card
    • 5 St. Louis city cards
    • rules cards in both English and French


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