The Gothic Game (1992)

Nigel Andrews, Robert Wynne-Simmons
Ужас, Юмор
Делай и двигай
Время игры
45 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «The Gothic Game»

"The object of the game is simple... to kill every other player on the board!" An odd little gem from England. It's essentially a roll and move game with a board depicting a big, spooky haunted mansion. You move about the mansion, acquire weapons to assist in your murder spree (I'm serious), suffer the horrid effects of torture devices, get chased by Dracula (and possibly drained of blood and turned into a vampire yourself), pour boiling oil on your friends, etc.

It's a bit sick-and-twisted, but it's also silly fun with the right group of gamers! It has an endorsement by Terry Jones of Monty Python fame on the back of the box, so it HAS to be good, right?!?!


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