The Great Battles of Alexander: Macedonian Art of War (2014)

Mark Herman, Richard H. Berg
Древность, Варгейм
Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Имитация событий, Соло
Время игры
~240 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4

Описание «The Great Battles of Alexander: Macedonian Art of War»

The Great Battles of Alexander - Macedonian Art of War Expanded Deluxe Edition (2014, Fourth Printing) is the first volume of the multi-volume counters-on-hexagons famous wargame Great Battles of History series, with the latest and updated 5th Edition game rules made by Mark Herman & Richard Berg.

Available Battles (19 in total):

  • Scenario Book (12):
    • Erigon Valley (358 BC)
    • Crocus Fields (352 BC)
    • Chaeronea (338 BC)
    • Lyginus (335 BC)
    • Pelium (355 BC)
    • Granicus (334 BC)
    • Issus (333 BC)
    • Gaugamela (331 BC)
    • Crossing the Jaxartes (329 BC)
    • Samarkand (329/328 BC)
    • Arigaeum (327 BC)
    • Hydaspes (326 BC)
  • Phalanx Module (2):
    • Sellasia (221 BC)
    • Mantinea (207 BC)
  • Diadochoi Module (4):
    • Paraetacene (317 BC)
    • Gabiene (316 BC)
    • Gaza (312 BC)
    • Ipsus (301 BC)
  • Raphia Module (1):
    • Raphia (217 BC)

Game Scale Details:
Unit: 100 men per unit strength point
Time: 20 minutes per game turn
Map: 70 yards per hexagon


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