The Naval SITREP: The Journal of Naval Miniatures Wargaming #4 (1995)

Larry Bond, Chris Carlson
Авиация, Книга, Миниатюры, Военные, Морские, Варгейм
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «The Naval SITREP: The Journal of Naval Miniatures Wargaming #4»

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system (Fear God and Dread Naught, Command at Sea and Harpoon) with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.

The Naval SITREP Issue #4 was published in July 1995.

Table of contents:
Harpoon Scenario: Split Personality
Command at Sea: 2nd Edition Gun Rules
KItbash corner: The Canadian Rivers
Platforms Specifications:
German type 212
Indian Mig 21-93 Fishbed
US Elco PT boat
US MArtin M139HW


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