The Naval SITREP: The Journal of Naval Miniatures Wargaming #60 (2021)

Larry Bond, Peter Grining
Авиация, Книга, Миниатюры, Военные, Морские, Варгейм
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «The Naval SITREP: The Journal of Naval Miniatures Wargaming #60»

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.

The Naval SITREP Issue #60 was published in April of 2021. Table of contents:

Harpoon V Scenario: Bugout (with supporting annex data)

From Mousers to Mascots: Famous Ship’s Cats

The Soryu/Artemis Collision - An Analysis

Chinese Naval Gunpower

Hybrid Construction - and Bad News for the LCS

The Shops of Shapeways

CaS Scenario: Intercept off Norway

The Romanian Navy & Air Force in WW II

with annex data for ships, aircraft and weapons

Rule Changes and Corrections

Omnidirectional Sonobuoys Q&A

Slow-Loading Guns in Dawn of the Battleship

Switching Sonar Modes - Correction

When can You Tell It’s a Torpedo? Q&A

Russian 30mm Change

SSM Reattack Q&A

Russian Gun Data for Fear God & Dread Nought

Product Updates

Book Reviews

War in the Pacific Trilogy, by Ian Toll

Skyhawks over the South Atlantic, by Santiago Rivas

Go Find Him and Bring Me Back His Hat,

by Mariano Sciaroni, with Andy Smith


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