The Night Cage: Monster Pack – Pathbreaker/Light Eater (2022)

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Описание «The Night Cage: Monster Pack – Pathbreaker/Light Eater»

4 Light Eaters
2 Pathbreakers

Light Eaters: When a Prisoner draws a Light Eater, it activates immediately. The Light Eater’s attack causes one Prisoner who isn’t adjacent to any other Prisoners to go lights out. These Prisoners are referred to as “isolated.” The active player decides who will be affected. The Light Eater’s target can be any isolated prisoner, including the prisoner who drew it. After resolving this effect, the active Player flips the Light Eater tile and places it as a pit (if they are still lit).

Pathbreakers: When a Pathbreaker is drawn, the active prisoner must place it so one of its faces points at them. Pathbreakers do not attack when revealed. Once placed, a Pathbreaker is motion-activated like a Wax Eater, attacking when a player moves into or out of its line of sight. However, a Pathbreaker’s line of sight is limited to the two directions of its faces. When a Pathbreaker attacks, it turns every tile in a straight line from its faces into a pit regardless of walls, pits, or open spaces. If the Pathbreaker is still lit after it attacks, it turns into a pit.

Distributed at Gen Con 2022


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