The War At Sea (first edition) (1975)

John Edwards
Морские, Варгейм, Военные
Контроль территории, Поле для перемещения, Бросание кубиков, Имитация событий
Количество игроков
1 — 2
Возраст игроков

Описание «The War At Sea (first edition)»

From "The Object of the Game":
To control the seas as much as possible during the period of the war. The winner is the player with the most "Points of Control" after 8 turns.

The game represents surface action between capital ships in WWII.

The mapboard is an abstract rendering of Europe/Eastern USA/Brazil and surrounding sea zones, divided into large movement zones. Individual counters represent single capital ships, U-boats, convoys and airstikes. Capital ship fire is simulated with dice rolls directed from and to individual ships, with damage being accrued and marked with counters until the target ship is sunk.

117 counters


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