The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch – The Wheel (2018)

David Rakoto, Christophe Madura, Alex Olteanu
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Переменная сила игроков, Модульное поле, Переменный порядок фаз, Бросание кубиков
Время игры
45 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch – The Wheel»

There are shadowy plots at work in London, beyond even those of the sinister Cult of Imhotep and its Agents. Ancient forces, who view the smog choked streets and its corrupted masses as anathema to the natural balance of the world, have arisen in the heart of London.

These are the followers of The Wheel.

Calling forth primal magics, this band of gypsies, witches, and fay now seek to cleanse this black spot from the natural realm- by any means necessary.

The Wheel, an expansion for the game The World of Smog: Rise of Moloch, brings a new missions to Rise of Moloch and comes with:

2 Heroes (Reverend Dudley and Mrs. Dudley);
4 Agents (Nibaba, Baba Yaga the Witch, Divio Juckal and Cobblestone Golem);
1 New Minion x8 (The Night Creatures);


И другие бонусы.

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