Thunder Alley: Crew Chief Expansion – The Dice Tower Effect Promo Pack (2017)

Jeff Horger
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Карты на руках
Время игры
60 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 7
Возраст игроков

Описание «Thunder Alley: Crew Chief Expansion – The Dice Tower Effect Promo Pack»

Pack of 8 cards to expand Thunder Alley: Crew Chief Expansion from the 2017 Dice Tower Indiegogo campaign


  • One card per player.
  • Use once then remove from game.
  • Roll before movement is started.
Solo Movement
  1. Change MP to WTP.
  2. Add Pit Speed to MP
  3. Reduce wear from card.
  4. Add 1d6 to MP
  5. Add Clean Air at end of move
  6. Free lane changes
Lead Movement
  1. Free lane changes
  2. Add Pit Speed to MP
  3. Reduce wear from card. Perm to Temp. Temp to none.
  4. Add 1d6 to MP
  5. All moves may be diagonal
  6. Break link anywhere behind you
Draft & Pursuit Movement
  1. Split Movement between two cards.
  2. Add Pit Speed to MP
  3. Ignore wear from card.
  4. Add 1d6 to MP
  5. Ignore text on card if desired
  6. After move, Use Pit Speed for solo WTP.

WTP: Work the Pack or Overtake in Grand Prix.
Reduce Wear: Permanent to Temporary. Choose any Temporary token.
Diagonal: All diagonal movement must be into an empty space.
Split Movement: Active car moves first and takes the wear. Must use at least half MP.
Draft: Line Movement in Grand Prix.


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