Tide of Iron Promo Cards (2013)

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Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле

Описание «Tide of Iron Promo Cards»

According to publisher 1A Games, promotional cards for Tide of Iron are meant to "add some spice to existing scenarios without twisting the game beyond recognition". With that goal in mind, each promotional card is "an Operations card that adds a small advantage or additional goal for both sides".

Supply Depot, for example, gives each player two command before the game starts, which therefore allows them to use Strategy cards during the first Action Phase of the game.

Patched Up gives each player a chance to acquire a new squad of infantry with the Unarmed restriction token. Restrictions – introduced in the Tide of Iron: Stalingrad expansion – place a limitation on a squad until the owner takes an action to remove it. In this case, the squad can't perform any kind of fire action until it's able to take weapons from an empty squad base.


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