Time of Legends: Joan of Arc – Apocalypse (2019)

Pascal Bernard
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Очки действий, Поле для перемещения, Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
45 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4

Описание «Time of Legends: Joan of Arc – Apocalypse»

The Apocalypse expansion includes a total of 5 new scenarios for Joan of Arc.

The first is a 2 or 4-player story called Sabbat. This scenario can be played as a prelude to the Apocalypse campaign, or as a standalone skirmish.

The remaining 4 scenarios are arranged into a campaign that plots the rise of the Apocalypse. It allows you to optionally incorporate three other scenarios from the core box and stretch goals to create a 7-scenario narrative:

  1. Inside Joan’s Head (from the core box).
  2. Arrival of the Four Horsemen. A narrative skirmish of human slaughter.
  3. Saint Michael the Archangel fighting the Dragon (from the Legendary Dragon box). Saint Michael and a cohort of angels battle the Legendary Dragon.
  4. The Beast (stretch goal chase scenario). A young woman gives birth to humanity’s Saviour. The Beast wishes to devour the child before He comes of age. Luckily, angels will aid the woman in her escape.
  5. The Mark of the Beast. The Antichrist is corrupting humanity and men rally to his evil cause, tempted by silver-tongued charm, and awed by the might of The Beast. The saints try to stop this army with the help of the angels and The Lamb.
  6. Leviathan. The colossal monster is ravaging the land, and seeks to destroy the saints in this big battle scenario.
  7. Armageddon. The final titanic battle is a stunning final showdown, with masses of troops on both sides.


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