Tiny Epic Mechs: Man vs. Meeple Promo Cards (2020)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Научная фантастика
Контроль территории, Поле для перемещения, Модульное поле, Одновременные действия, Атака игроков, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
30 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Tiny Epic Mechs: Man vs. Meeple Promo Cards»

Promo pilot cards, originally available through Man vs. Meeple's 2020 Kickstarter campaign.

DrakkenStrike: "OVERLOAD: After you damage an opponent with a weapon, you may immediately discard that weapon from the game to double its damage.

Wayfinder: "PULSE VACUUM: When you take damage from a mine or turret, immediate collect one energy and one credit."

OffDutyNinja: "REMOTE DRONE: When you take a Deploy Mine/Turret action, you may instead move any 1 of your mine or turrets up to 2 adjacent spaces into an empty space for free.


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