UK version 2.0 (fan expansion to Ticket to Ride) (2009)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Драфт карт, Карты на руках
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «UK version 2.0 (fan expansion to Ticket to Ride)»

From designer:
In 2006, UK computer science professor David Millard published what quickly became a very popular "aftermarket" United Kingdom map for the amazing and wildly popular board game Ticket to Ride by Days of Wonder.

After playing (and very much enjoying) David's map a number of times - and having a little time on my hands during an extended job search - I set about to create an updated version. Some of my goals:

Spread the board a little and improve a handful of the "bottleneck" and "bypass" areas with a bit more grid-like access, particularly useful for playing with 4-5 players
Significantly add to the set of routes, making the game play a little more like the 1910 expansion to the original Ticket to Ride U.S. map.
Improve on the already well-done aesthetics if I could, while we were at it.

Armed with Adobe tools and an extended family of ravenous Ticket to Ride fanatics who would test play the revised board and ticket sets in their various drafts, I went to work. After a number of months, we settled on an updated board layout and a ticket set that makes for a lot of fun - and a lot of ticket gathering!


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