Uncle Albert's Auto Stop & Gunnery Shop Catalog From Hell (1992)

David Ladyman, Kevin Stein, Steve Jackson (I), Warren Spector, Andrew Metzger, Aaron Allston, Scott Haring, Timothy D. Jacques, Charles Oines, Ken Scott, David N. Searle, Craig Sheeley, Siobhan Beeman, Kurt Aldinger, Dimitri Ashling, Jeff Baker, Dan Bell, Jim Berry, Clark Breslin, Andrew Buttery, Douglas S. Carey, Nicholas A. Carter, Doug Chin, Jake Collins, Mark Cook, Scott Cook, Robert Critelli, Jim Davie, Dirck de Lint, Reed Decker, Peter Dosik, Andrew Egan, Mike Emrick, Shaun Evans, Jeffrey Field, John M. Ford, Lonnie Foster, Jim Gould, Tom Greer, Paul Harralson, Randy Harrington, Sam Hatcher, Robert Hayden, Kenneth Heilfron, Russell Heller, Trent Hill, Benjamin Hollister, Max Hutchinson, Garrett L. Ide, Piper Jackson, Robert Jellinghaus, Ken R. Jessup, Stefan Jones, N. Kaahaaina, Steve Katz, Robert Kelk, Richard Kipp, Ken Koop, Tom Krymkowski, Dave Lange, William E. Lewis, Jr., Michael A. Lichon, Mark Limburg, Gareth Lowe, Lee Lytle, Chip Martin, Joe Mauloni, Norm McMullen, Scott Mercer, Robert A. Mican, Scott Miller, Ray Morriss, Charles S. Mote, Jr., Emmanuel Moutsos, John Nowak, Ryan Noyer, Joao Nunes, Mike O'Shea, David Plunkett, Steven Poor, Luke Porter, Phil Radley, Alan Raisanen, Shane Ralston, Tim Ray, Peter Reed, Timothy James Riess, River City ADA, Jeff Roberts, Pat Rogers, John Romero, Joe Rudynski, Ronnie Ruggiero, Norman Rule, Peter Schauer, Paul A. Schreiber, Neal Singletary, Nicholas Spratt, Garrett Stanfield, Kent Suarez
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «Uncle Albert's Auto Stop & Gunnery Shop Catalog From Hell»

Uncle Albert's Auto Stop & Gunnery Shop Catalog From Hell is the sixth in a subset of expansion for Car Wars. The Catalogs contain new weapons and options for use with the Car Wars Series of games.

The Uncle Al's subset of expansions includes:

  • Uncle Al's 2035 Catalog (1985)
  • Uncle Al's 2036 Catalog Update (1986)
  • Uncle Al's 2038 Catalog Update (1988)
  • Uncle Al's 2038 Calendar (1988)
  • Uncle Al's 2039 Catalog Update (1989)
  • Uncle Al's Catalog From Hell (1992)

As the final product in the classic Car Wars Series—the Fifth Edition came later with different rules and mechanics—the Catalog From Hell included almost every weapon and option not included in the Car Wars Compendium.

This included all the vehicles, weapons, and gear from:

  • Dueltrack (1986)
  • Boat Wars (1988)
  • Aeroduel (1990)
  • Tanks (1990)
  • All the earlier Uncle Al's Catalogs
  • Most items from Autoduel Quarterly magazine (40 issues, 1983–1993)


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