Uprising (Fan expansion for Android: Netrunner) (2019)

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Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Очки действий, Ставки, Карты на руках, Тайные действия, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
15 — 65 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Uprising (Fan expansion for Android: Netrunner)»

If you stand on Manta beach as dawn breaks on the Andes, you can see a twinkling thread stretching above the city’s skyline. As faint as passing imagination, but reaching ever upwards. A golden rope tying the earth to the heavens, the past to the future. Frayed by the vicissitudes of corporate war and the battering of terrorist cabals, but patched and repaired.


Change is inevitable and comes in many forms. Not even the strongest reinforced buckyweave will last forever. The events of the past have pushed and pulled. Controversial measures have been enforced from above, attempting to lock down society into the elite’s desired shape. In reaction, a groundswell of unified outrage has risen up from below, allowing Runners to fight back from directions never seen before. As these conflicts run their course, hope begins to permeate New Angeles. Some take solace that the citadel of the Beanstalk did not fall, others breathe easy as the corporate grip loosens. It’s a new world, and everything is on the table.

Things are looking up.

This is the second fan expansion for Android: Netrunner released by NISEI, and the final part of the Ashes cycle.


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