Valor & Victory: Western Front Expansion (2021)

Barry W. Doyle
Варгейм, Военные
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
40 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 2

Описание «Valor & Victory: Western Front Expansion»

The Yanks have arrived! The Western Front Expansion continues the Valor & Victory D+1 Series that started with H-Hour, and features the complete Western Front Order of Battle for the United States. This expansion also adds six new historically based scenarios, four geomorphic map sheets and 230 U.S. unit counters. Can you lead your men off the bloody beaches of Normandy, through nightmarish hedgerow country, and eventually on to liberate Paris itself? In the immortal words of General Eisenhower, “We will accept nothing less than full Victory!”


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