Village Pillage: Surf (2020)

Peter C. Hayward, Tom Lang
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Карты на руках
Время игры
15 — 30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Village Pillage: Surf»

It’s stressful, running a village. The raiders bully the farmers, the farmers dirty up the walls, and the walls always get in everyone’s way! Time to take a holiday to the sea. The sea is powerful, and beautiful, like a turnip. And wet and smelly, also like a turnip.

And, like a turnip, the sea is crawling with pests today - those horrible other villages have had the same idea as you!

Well that’s just fine. There are plenty of salty seadogs hanging around, looking for adventure. They’re not the most reliable, true, but they’re just so salty! Time to rally up a crew, get abaft the binnacle, and chart a course for VICTORY!

Surf introduces a new type of card to Village Pillage - Freebooters, who sail into your hand faster than ever before. Whenever you buy a card, you can spend an additional turnip to recruit a Freebooter. But be warned - they’ll abandon ship at the first sign of trouble.

Additionally, Surf features a new extended-play bank card.


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