Wargamer's Guide to PanzerBlitz (1976)

Philip S. Kosnett, Tom Oleson
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The Wargamer's Guide to PanzerBlitz contains articles that examine various aspects of Avalon Hill's classic wargame side-by-side with variants and a host of new scenarios. It appears that a few of these articles originally appear in The General.

Articles Include:
Pieces of Panzerblitz (a unit by unit examination of pieces: both their historical context and how best to use them in game.)
Beyond Situation 13 (More Panzerblitz scenarios - outlines Scenarios 14-25)
Another Situation 13: Parablitz (Airmobile Panzerblitz)
Panzernacht (Night Panzerblitz Rules)
Blind Panzerblitz (Refereed-hidden-movement rules)
Chopperblitz (Helicopters in Panzerblitz)
Panzer Situation 13 (Another Panzerblitz Situation)
More Panzerblitz Variants (As the title suggests)
Commander's Note Book - Analyzing the 12 Scenarios (An analysis of the 12 Situations from PanzerBlitz)
Championship Situations (Covers the Tournament Situations used for PanzerBlitz games at GenCon 4 - The GenCon where PanzerBlitz was the only game officially played)
Panzerblitz Concealment (Variant to reduce the effectiveness of concealment)
Incremental PanzerBlitz (Alternate movement rules).

Pages: 36
Book measures: 8.5x11x.18"


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