Warhammer 40,000 Expansion: Planetstrike (2009)

Phil Kelly
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Описание «Warhammer 40,000 Expansion: Planetstrike»

From Publisher's Website:

Warhammer 40,000 Expansion: PlanetstrikePlanetstrike is a game of glorious invasions and desperate last stands set in the battle-ravaged universe of the 41st Millennium. Will you take the role of the defender, repelling the enemy's vanguard with heavy weaponry and heavier fortifications? Or will you play the attacker, raining hellfire and damnation upon the foe before sending an army of your best troops to claim the smoking remains of his strongholds? This is truly a war on all fronts in which the enemy can appear at any time, from anywhere - especially from above!

This 80-page expansion book contains all of the rules and information you need to play games of Planetstrike; including: full rules for configuring your forces for planetary invasion, a full-colour hobby section on preparing your defences, and a comprehensive background section detailing some of the most infamous planetary assaults.

You must possess a copy of Warhammer 40,000 in order to use the contents of this book.


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