Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach – The Red Waaagh! (2014)

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2 — 4 мин
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Описание «Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach – The Red Waaagh!»

Description from the publisher:

This 112 page hardback book introduces the Sanctus Reach campaign fought on the Knight world of Alaric Prime. Inside you will find: Waaagh! Grukk, which is the story of the Red Waaagh! and its attack upon Alaric Prime. There are eleven scenarios that allow you to refight the battles of the Red Waaagh!

There is one Imperial Knight Formation datasheet, two Astra Militarum Formation datasheets and two Ork Formation datasheets.

Also adds rules to Warhammer 40,000 for Planetary invasions called Planetstrike and the Planetstrike mission: Planetfall.


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