Warhammer: Kislev (2003)

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Время игры
180 — 360 мин
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Описание «Warhammer: Kislev»

Warhammer: Kislev is an expansion to the 6th edition of Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles.

This 34-page softcover booklet is an army book, that provides all kinds of information required to collect Kislev Allied Contingent mini-faction and field it on the tabletop.

The Warhammer Armies: Kislev booklet describes the Kislev Allied Contingent army for the 6th Edition of Warhammer by Games Workshop. This 36 page long supplement was released through White Dwarf magazine.
(user summary)

North from the land of the Empire lies a land of dark pine forests and snow-clad wilderness - the land of the Kislev, ruled by mighty Tzars and Tzarinas. The icy realm of Kislev breeds tough and hardy people, not only because of the harsh climate, but also due to the constant depredations by raiders from the Chaos Wastes.

Warhammer Armies: Kislev is a compendium of White Dwarf articles for using Kislev allied contingents within an Empire army. This booklet describes the troops of Kislev, its history, its gods and its heroes.

Inside you will find:
- Kislevite Allied Contingents. New rules for using Kislevites, plus full background detail including the lands and people of Kislev, their history and their wars.

- The Ice Queen and Tzar Barons. Rules for your army to include both the mighty Boris Ursus, the red Tzar, upon his fearsome mount Urskin, and Tzarina Katarin, the Ice Queen of Kislev, wielder of the Ice Magic.
(from the back cover of the booklet)

This booklet was provided with White Dwarf 288.


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