Warhammer Quest: Lair of the Orc Lord (1995)

Dean Bass, Andy Jones, David Gallagher
Приключения, Исследование, Фэнтези, Сражения, Миниатюры
Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Ролевая игра
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Warhammer Quest: Lair of the Orc Lord»

From the back of the box:

The Black Fang Orcs of Mount Gunbad are ruled over by the tyrannical Warboss Gorgut. Surrounded by his brutal Big'uns, entertained by Gubbinz the goblin jester, Gorgut holds court, counting the skulls of the warriors who have dared enter his bleak domain.

This Adventure Pack can be used to add an extra Orcy flavor to your games of Warhammer Quest. The rulebook contains background; six new adventures to complement the new Gorgut's Lair Objective room; new treasure, magic items and Monster Tables; and a Warhammer Quest Roleplay adventure for Warriors of battle-level 2-3.


1 Rulebook

3 Floorplans

  • 1 Shaman's Den
  • 1 Gorgut's Lair
  • 1 Collapsed Passage
36 Playing Cards
  • 3 Dungeon cards
  • 21 Event cards
  • 8 Treasure cards
  • 4 Special cards
6 Counters
  • 1 Fallen Block counter
  • 3 Netted counters
  • 2 Pit of Despair counters
Citadel miniatures
  • 1 Gorgut the Orc Warboss
  • 1 Skabnoze the Orc Shaman
  • 3 Orc Big'Uns
  • 1 Gubbinz the Goblin Jester
  • 1 Bogoff the Snotling
  • 1 Growler the Squig Hound
  • 2 Plastic Doorways
  • Warhammer Quest


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