Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles (6th Edition) (2000)

Adrian Smith, Karl Kopinski, Alessio Cavatore, Tuomas Pirinen, Rick Priestley, Nigel Stillman, Jake Thornton, John Blanche, John Wigley, David Gallagher, Alex Boyd, Paul Dainton, Paul Jeacock, Nuala Kennedy
Книга, Фэнтези, Миниатюры, Варгейм
Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
180 — 360 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles (6th Edition)»

This is the sixth edition of very popular Warhammer Fantasy Battles wargame, a radical change from fifth edition, with major changes to army composition, magic and balance of power between heroes and units.

Warhammer Fantasy Battles is a tabletop game for two or more players where you command several armies from a huge range that goes from Imperial Humans, Dwarves, High Elves, Undead Vampires, Orcs, Beastman, Ratmen called skaven and lots of races. This book provides you with all the rules you need to play, and guides you through collecting and painting your own army of Citadel miniatures.

The Warhammer rulebook is a 288-page hardback book. Within its covers the book is divided into six sections. The Rules tell you how to field your army on the tabletop; the Advanced Rules cover rare and potent troops such as war machines, chariots, monsters, mighty heroes and buildings; Magic explains how to use magic items and cast spells; World of Warhammer is your guide to the history, races and armies of Warhammer, including full-colour photographs of the forces you can collect; the Scenarios section gives you advice on how to create your own scenarios with some examples, as well as information about terrain; and Appendix contains information how to run campaigns, and a lot of other useful hints.


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