Werwölfe (2017)

Ted Alspach, Lea Fröhlich
Блеф, Дедукция
Переменная сила игроков, Голосование
Время игры
30 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
6 — 24
Возраст игроков

Описание «Werwölfe»

Werwölfe is the ultimate game for even larger groups of all ages. Take on the role of a villager and unmask the werewolves. Or play a werewolf and convince the villagers of your innocence while you go hunting at night.

25 playing cards
1 character values card
1 instructions

In addition, you need a note and pen.

Note: This edition differs from 2014's Ultimate Werewolf, as it supports a different player count (6-24, while UW is 5-30).

The biggest difference is in the characters, however - both editions have 12 Villagers, Seer, Witch and Hunter, but Werwölfe has only 6 Werewolves (rather than 8 in UW).

In addition Werwölfe has the following roles: Healer, Red Riding Hood, Cupid and Mayor,
whereas Ultimate Werewolf has: 2 Masons, Bodyguard, Sorceress, Spellcaster, Village Idiot and Wolf Cub.


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