Werwölfe: Streunende Katze (2018)

Ted Alspach
Блеф, Дедукция
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
30 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 24
Возраст игроков

Описание «Werwölfe: Streunende Katze»

When you are playing with the Streunende Katze ("Stray Cat")(character value +6), the following rules apply:

Game Preparation
The game master replaces a villager by the stray cat. That villager is set aside.

Night Phase
On the first night, the game master calls the cat before any one else. He replaces stray cat with the set-aside villager.
The player who owned the cat becomes a villager.
(If possible, place the cat as a reminder open in the middle of your playing surface.)
From the second night phase and then in each other Night phase, the cat changes hands (without actually passing on the cat). The cat is called before any other character. The current owner opens his eyes and chooses a new player to become the owner of the cat. If the cat ends up with a werewolf, both are out of the game.


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