Werwölfe Vollmondnacht: Nachwuchs-Gerber (2018)

Ted Alspach, Akihisa Okui
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Переменная сила игроков, Голосование
Время игры
5 — 12 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 10
Возраст игроков

Описание «Werwölfe Vollmondnacht: Nachwuchs-Gerber»

This is a promo item for Werwölfe Vollmondnacht (One Night Ultimate Werewolf) containing the Junior Tanner character given out for free in Essen 2018.

In those trying times being a tanner was not easy. Still, there was one individual who wanted to take over and get rid of his master once and for all ...

Flow of the game:
The apprentice tanner can be combined with any of the roles from the main game or its expansions. Depending on whether the tanner from "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" is used the apprentice tanner's role during the game changes.

Rules of play:
(apprentice tanner, wakes up at night **)

The apprentice tanner is called during the night phase and opens his eyes. The tanner, with eyes closed, lifts his thumb so his apprentice can identify him.

If the tanner is in the game:
The apprentice wants to take over the tanner's job. He wins if the tanner is lynched during the vote (Should that be the case, the tanner also wins).

If the tanner is not in the game:
(because the card has not been drawn or has not been used)
The apprentice tanner has already taken over the role of his master and has realized that being a tanner is not as fulfilling as he expected ... like his predecessor he wins if he's lynched during the vote.


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