White Ensign (1998)

R. A. Doty
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Имитация событий
Время игры
~240 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «White Ensign»

There was a time when the sun never set on the British Empire. The sinews that kept the empire together were the ships of the Royal Navy, and later, those of the Commonwealth nations. Today, just like it was in the past, whenever those ships sail, one can see the White Ensign.

White Ensign discusses each conflict in which Commonwealth naval forces were involved from 1960 to the present day. These include: Yemen 1960-67, Borneo 1962-66, Rhodesia 1965-66, Iceland 1972-73, Falklands 1977, Desert Shield/Storm 1990-91, Kuwait 1961 (Operation Vantage), East Africa 1966, Suez 1966-73, Cyprus 1974, Falklands 1982, Adriatic 1993-96.

Perhaps the most comprehensive study of the modern Royal Navy outside of official publications and a valuable reference book in its own right, White Ensign is meant to be used as a supplement to Harpoon4 and requires the use of Harpoon4 rules to derive the maximum value from it. All ships, from carriers down to patrol/fast attack craft, as well as ships taken up from trade (STUFT) during the Falklands War are included in the ship data annex, as are all aircraft that were or could have been used in a naval environment. Also included is an extensive bibliography which includes official sources and internet sites.


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