Wing Leader: Victories C3i #29 Scenarios (2015)

Lee Brimmicombe-Wood
Авиация, Варгейм, Военные
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Описание «Wing Leader: Victories C3i #29 Scenarios»

Two scenarios and 30 counters for Wing Leader: Victories 1940-1942, included in C3i Magazine, Issue #29.

Scenario 1 - Cry Havoc, Tunisia, 21 March 1943.

Description: As Patton's II Corps began to push out of the passes through the Atlas mountains and descend on the Axis flanks, low-level raids were launched against Mezzouna and motor transport columns behind enemy lines, II/JG 51 was the spine of the air defence, but also had the task of covering close air support attacks on the American spearheads.

Fierce fights began to break out near Maknassy, with American raids colliding with German Raids travelling in the opposite direction.

Scenario 2 - Supercharge, Egypt, 4 November 1942.

Description: The second day of Operation Supercharge saw a general breaktrough on the ground. 51st Division and 4th Indian Division cleared the anti-tank screen, allowing 1st Armoured Division to get through. Abandoning the Italian divisions in the South, Rommel ordered a withdrawal to Fuka. Throughout the day the Western Desert Air Force mantained a continual bombardment and strafing of the mass of vehicles retreating along the coast road. The hairpins climbing the scarpment at Fuka and Mersa Matruh proved a deathtrap for the Axis. German and Italian fighters were thrown in to stem the tide of Allied bombing. Small clashes developed all over the sky.


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