Wolves of Odin (2022)

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Карточная, Сражения, Мифология
Карты на руках, Атака игроков
Время игры
40 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Wolves of Odin»

Wolves of Odin is a strategy card game with deep gameplay and great replay value.

On your turn, you take one of several available actions, for example you can play a Viking card to create or grow your own squad of warriors. Or, you can play a Viking card on an enemy squad to kill enemy warrior (to discard this card). At the end of round, players will summ the strengths of their squads of warriors and player who creates strongest squad will receive victory point(s). The game is played up to 5 victory points.

Instead of play a Viking card you can sacrifice your warriors to summon ancient gods with powerful game-changing abilities.

The game consists of series of rounds, as result of which one of the players scores 5 victory points and ends the game, so it is important to correctly calculate strength of your cards in each round.

Wolves of Odin has simple rules, but serious dilemmas arise every turn. Multiple layers of strategies create a wealth of tactical possibilities. There is also unusual passing system in the game: when a player passes, he draws new 4 cards into his hand from the deck, and every time his turn reaches him, he again draws 1 card into his hand and then discard 1 card from his hand. Thus, while other players are depleting their strength in the current round, passing player is building up power for the next round...


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