World at War 85: Storming the Gap – The Defense of Frankfurt (2019)

Jeff Schulte, Keith Tracton
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
60 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 2
Возраст игроков

Описание «World at War 85: Storming the Gap – The Defense of Frankfurt»

Want to fight with your World At War 85 forces on maps of a real section of the Fulda Gap, near Frankfurt West Germany, and adapted specifically for World At War 85 play? The Defense of Frankfurt module is for you.

The eight summer maps of the sixteen maps herein, when configured in a specific pattern, display a monster-sized fighting area northwest of Frankfurt, West Germany. The other eight are winter versions, where any line of sight benefits of obscuring crops of cultivated terrain are gone and wilted, and so presents a whole different battle arena.

The maps have ever so slight adjustments that also make them GEOMORPHIC, and so fully compatible with any other map in the World At War 85 series of games. Just line up the short edge or long edge of any of these maps to any other map in the series to create your own Forward Edge of the Battle Area.

What would maps be without scenarios? Two monster-sized scenarios are included for the monster-sized Fulda Gap configuration, our largest scenarios to date, using many formations and optional Battalion/Regimental Activation rules, also included in this Map Pack -

The Breakthrough to Frankfurt
Almost a division of Soviet armor presses home its advantage in the final drive to reach the Main River crossings on their way to the Rhine!

Hold the Damn Line!
NATO armored reserves find themselves finally in a position of strength to attempt a major counterattack into the onrushing Warsaw Pact hordes. A full battalion of M-1 Abrams tanks is at your disposal with supporting the US and West German forces as well!


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