World At War 85: Storming the Gap – The Drive On Giessen (2019)

Jeff Schulte, Keith Tracton
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
60 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «World At War 85: Storming the Gap – The Drive On Giessen»

The Drive on Giessen is a campaign game for WaW85 that allows the play of a set of linked game scenarios depicting a Soviet division’s drive across West Germany against NATO forces.

The Operational map will depict an area roughly from Eisenach GDR to Giessen FRG; a distance of about 75 kilometers in depth and 20 kilometers wide.

The Operational map will consist of a series of locations connected across the map. Each location will represent a game area of two maps where each scenario will be played. Links between these map locations will represent road connections which will regulate how many game formations will be able to transit during each operational turn.

During an Operational turn, both players may move their forces on the Operational map point to point to adjacent locations. This is done simultaneously and hidden from the opposing player. Forces that do not move from their location may improve their defensive positions or regroup.

Battles will occur at each location that contains forces of both opposing players. How the forces arrived on the map will determine how the scenario will be set up. As battles occur, both sides may have reinforcements that can move into battle from adjacent locations. Also, artillery units in adjacent locations may be assigned as Artillery Support, and so act as off-board artillery for the battle.


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