Ynavi (2018)
- Авторы
- Категории
- Механики
- Время игры
- 30 — 60 мин
- Количество игроков
- 2 — 4
- Возраст игроков
- 12+
Описание «Ynavi»
Ynavi is a game where you play for victory points, and there are several mechanics to attain them. the main way is by scoring 'drakkars', the viking ship. Each drakkar needs to be filled with cubes of specific color in order to be scored, each scored earns 4 victory points.
At the beginning of each turn, the first player rolls 5 dice of different color each with 2 sides of values 1 through 3, each of which correlates to a different color of cubes and pile of cards. Then, players rotate in choosing a die. For a selected die, the player can either take a number of cubes equal to the number on the die, or draw that many cards from the pile, but may only keep one and discard the rest.
The 5 piles are as follows: blue, green, red, black, and yellow. Blue cards are equipments that stay with you for the rest of the game. Green cards are 'chiefs' that need to be filled with cubes to use, and can do powerful things, and stay for the rest of the game. Filling chiefs with cubes earns a victory point, failing to do so loses a victory point. Red cards are one time spells that can do cool things. Black cards are negative statuses you assign to an opponent that they may only remove by filling it with cubes. Lastly, yellow are quests, that if satisfied in the scoring phase at the end earn victory points.
Once an option is chosen, a player may use a card if applicable, or place their cubes on their drakkars, chief, or black card inflicted on him/her. Then turn rotates until all players go and all dice are chosen (first player gets 2 turns each round), and then the first player token rotates and a new round begins. The game ends when either a pile of cards or cubes remains empty at the end of the round.